Thursday, December 15, 2005

32 things about ME

ok.. doing the challenge..

1.I am a mom
2. I am a
3. I am weird
4.I live online
5. Love to read
6. Sometimes I can be a B****
7.I am disorganized
8. I am a movie "whore"
9.I know usless trivia about movies
10. I am adopted
11. I don't get along with my family
12. My closest friends are ones i have never seen face to face
13.I am clumsy
14. I am married to man who spoils me, yet drives me crazy
15.I have five children
16. I home school
17. Love Chocolate
18. Love Tea.. esp sweet or flavored tea
19. Love to cook
20. Love to scrapbook.. not quite the fanatic..
21. My favorite color is Peach
22.I love cucumber melon body spray and wash
23.I am a survior
24.I love mall of america
25. I have no patience for stupid people
26.I am the owner of the local freecycle yahoo group
27. My kids think I'm weird
29. I have two guinea pigs.. Fuzzy & Wuzzy
30. I need to lose weight but am at a standstill
31. I am two years older than my hubby
32. I wear glasses

that was hard!!


kandi said...

I don't have as many as I used to as dh cleanedout my collection. But I rent alot!!

SandyLea said...

LOL funny. Remember the line from the movie "Delores Claiborne?"

"Sometimes being a bitch is the only thing a woman has left to hold onto."

That is my life Theme.
OK...I am weird too....Sorry.

kandi said...

ohh I like that qoute!!