Saturday, March 26, 2011

How long do I have to pay?

I know that I have made mistakes in my past, but I am trying to get my life straightened out. I just started to feel like I was moving forward, and then I read something that James posted on facebook back on March 6th. It was the anniversary of when our marriage ended, and what he wrote cut me to the quick. The thing is I wouldn't have ever known he had posted it, but I was on our son's account checking to see if some family had responded to their 8th grade celebration invite.

I give up, I was in such a good mood, but now I feel like I have been stabbed in the back. I won't be sharing this post on facebook, but I needed to vent. So only if someone has a link here will anyone will see it.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Better day

Ok.. yesterday I went to Topeka with James and we had a lovely lunch at Olive Garden. It gave us a chance to really talk about a lot of things going on. No we are not going to be getting back together, but we were able to work out somethings.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

One of those days

Have you ever had one of the days when you just feel blah? You see things around you that need to be done, but then you think..Why? No one will notice any way. You try and find something to do that will bring you a little joy, but nothing seems to?

I am having one of those days, I need to vaccum the house.. but why? I should do the dishes, but why? It's so much easier to sit on my rear and do nothing.

Wednesday, March 09, 2011

New Beginning

I have been in a flunk for a year now. My Marriage has ended, got into a bad relationship that ended up harming not only me but my children. Would have been homeless but for the Grace of God and my ex husband letting me live with him and the kids.

I took a CNA class and passed with flying colors, while I don't have a steady 8 hour job, I do have work with one lady doing home health.

I am battling depression, but am not going to give into it. My kids deserve to have a mother around, if for no other reason than to LOVE them with all her heart. That is my JOB, and I will fight for every right to do it.