Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Crazy last few weeks

Jan. 27th The kids and I went to the Kansas Museum of History in Topeka and while we were there (between 9 am and 11:40 am) our van was broken into. They smashed in the drivers side window and took the kids christmas present from Mamma and Papa.. portable dvd player... the dvd in it.. my purse (which had my life in it.. ss cards, drivers licenses, digital camera, cell phone.. etc). So the last few weeks have been trying to get everything replaced.. oh and dealing with Forgery problems wit the bank ( they have been sooo helpful) The theifs have just had a blast.. speant over $5,000!! So it is a felony theft now. The cops were able to get a print off of one of the checks so maybe that will help out.

Today I was FINALLY able to get a new drivers license.. change my number too!!

Plus on top of everything everyone but James has been sick with a viral sore throat.. so crabby people here!!

So there is my update.. not very happy news.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh no! That is terrible about the break in. I pray they catch whoever did it, there are such cruel people out there these days :(

I hope ya'll are over the sickness. I SO know what that's like, I'm beginning to think the girls and I will never be well! It sucks!